Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spoot! Look at all this Loot!

Did you enjoy the angry beavers reference in the title?

Well I was so excited this morning. I was having a sleep in, then I wake up because my mother opens my door and she's bearing what looks like infinity packages that came in the post for me!
I was in delirious sleep mode therefore I was chanting 'omg omg omg' Anyway that was such a brilliant start to my day so I just have to share my loot with someone now! Simple pleasures people. 

Urban Outfitters:
Title Unknown Wolf Burnout Raglan
Black Magic Playing Cards
Hozell Bacon Tee (gift)

Nasty Gal:
Jeffrey Campbell Lita - Green Crushed Velvet

Black Milk Clothing:
Galaxy Green Dress

Manic Panic - Atomic Turquoise x 2 :)

My comments:

When I tried it on for the first time I literally said "It's so soft on my foot!"
Everyone says how comfy these shoes are, and you know- don't believe it til you've tried it- that's what my thoughts were, but boy! They really are comfy! I was talking to my bro about it (cuz he's cool like that- and was getting all technical about it) and we (read: he) figured that it's because it just gives the illusion of height but inside the shoe there's actually not that much height at all. So your foot is all comfy up in there while you are towering above most boys. For me... it's only small boys, because I'm a shortie :C I just think that's amazing and smart, and I really love them! And I thank JC for making such hawt tall shoes which girls can actually walk in without spraining their ankle or tripping and lsoing all their shit (this happened to me once with a pair of tall wedges 6 inch i think? It was at the races and their were old people about, I felt their judging eyes I FELT THEM). These shoes are my first JC purchase, and I hope for many more in the future! (R.I.P. bank account)
P.S. The shoebox was pink had kitties on it! Usually I don't like felines but the packaging was so cute! <3

Galaxy Green:
Lol- I didn't even get a shipping confirmation e-mail, so I wasn't expecting this! I was quite pleasantly surprised though to say the least. It's so beautiful. I wish the only clothes I owned were BM!

Wolves, bacon and cards! What a perfect order. These are quite my favourite things! Not all of my favourite things of course- psssh who only has three favourite things? Lame people- that's who! The wolf shirt goes well with my purple galaxies- yay, that's the other reason I bought it!

I think all this excitement will last me till I fall asleep seeing at it is now 12...
Night sprites!


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